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So, what's this about??

Have you ever felt like there's something you just need to do? It keeps popping up in your mind and doesn't let you sleep. Ideas keep growing and expanding and it feels like you might explode if you don't just 

That's what this blog is for. For getting everything out there I feel needs to be shared. I have a voice...time to use it. 

The name "One, Deep Well" refers to my approach to life and navigating my personal development and growth. There are so many different approaches to "living your best life"and I used to get caught up trying bits and pieces from all different theories and viewpoints. What I've learned is that trying to be my best self by dabbling shallowly in many theologies and lifestyles doesn't get me anywhere. For me to get to the roots of my beliefs and actually make real, lasting changes and remove the blocks I've put up in the way of feeling happy and peaceful, I have to go deep. And going deep means picking one spiritual path or teacher or methodology or whatever and sticking to it. It's hard, it's messy, all the ugly gets uncovered, and it's the most beautiful and fulfilling work I've ever done. 

I'm sharing because everyone can do this. Everyone can look at themselves and change their minds. Sometimes all it takes is someone to go first. 



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