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  • Writer's picturelauren olson

Tips for Positivity on Grumpy Days

Updated: Sep 17, 2020

Being grumpy is your right, and your choice. It's just a lot more fun to be happy!

Let's be honest: gloomy days happen. As much as I'm all about being positive and strive for overall happiness, I don't think anybody is immune to waking up on the wrong side of the bed from time to time. In fact, sometimes it feels like a few wrong-side-of-the-bed days string together and that's when having some sure-fire pick me ups come in handy.

I have a few go-to tricks for helping myself out of those slumps when they feel persistent. Not to be confused with avoiding feeling feelings (you know I'm all about feeling my feelings) nor to say there's anything wrong with letting yourself have a down-day. But, for those times when I'm just in a mood and I know I could be doing better, there are a few things that always help boost my energy and can pull me out of those grumpy-for-no-reason slumps. (In no particular order...except the first one!)

1. Make a decision.

Decide that you want to feel better. Seems simple enough, and it is. But simple doesn't always mean easy. I think we often underestimate the power of our minds and without going too deep into that topic, just give it a try. Decide to feel better. Decide that feeling better is a choice (as is stewing in a crappy mood), and see what happens. Also, drink some water. Water helps with everything.

2. Move your body (added bonus if it's getting outside!)

I know how hard it can be to do this even on a good day, but trust me, getting up and getting some exercise is a pretty much foolproof mood enhancer. You don't have to make it a big deal; it doesn't have to be a hard workout. Just a 20 minute walk outside can do absolute wonders and is worth every ounce of effort and however long it takes to motivate yourself to go do it. I added bonus points to this tip if your exercise means getting outside because, well...fresh air and nature. Doi.

3. Have a treat.

This does not mean go binging on things you know will make you feel shitty. Everyone has a "treat" thing or two that invariably elicits joy. I love a coffee with a piece of dark chocolate. I also love a glass of wine. Having a treat can be a slippery slope to over-indulgence followed by self-battery, so exercise some self-awareness about your motivation and your will power with this one. But if you can have a treat and enjoy it, guiltlessly and without going overboard, let yourself!

4. Do something for yourself.

To me this means stop trying to force myself into productivity and give myself some grace and space to have some "me time". Often that means settling down with a good book for a little while. Maybe for you it's a bath and a glass of wine, maybe it's a snuggle with your pet, making some art, listening to music, a call to a family member, or watching your fave tv show. Whatever your thing is, allow yourself some time for it and let the joy of doing that thing lift your spirit.

5. Find inspiration.

This will be different for everyone, but something I really like to do if I'm feeling crabby is listen to a podcast that makes me laugh and/or gives me a bit of a kick in the ass. A few of my favourites are the Earn Your Happy podcast with Lori Harder, Rise podcast with Rachel Hollis and Off the Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe. Listening to these powerhouses talk, and interview other likeminded people who often share their inspirational stories of overcoming all sorts of things never fails to light a fire under my butt to do the same.

6. Practice gratitude.

It's not a secret that practicing gratitude has amazing benefits for a person's mindset. What I do every morning first thing while I'm having my coffee, is write a list of 5 things I'm grateful for. Sometimes they're deep and thoughtful and other times I'm "only" grateful for my coffee and for the birds singing outside the window. There are no wrong gratitudes, as long as when you think about the thing you're grateful for you actually feel grateful and happy for it. On especially growly days sometimes I'll go back and read my lists and let those nice feelings arise in me again. Never fails!

7. Laugh.

Laughter. The best medicine. You know what things make you laugh no matter what your mood. Laugh with your best friend. Laugh with your partner. Laugh about cat videos on YouTube. Laugh at memes. Laugh about your pets or your children. I don't care what you laugh about (as long as it's not at the expense of somebody else!), but get in there. Laugh it up. And then try going back to being grumpy...I bet you can't do it.

I hope something on this list resonates and sparks some inspiration to change your scowly mood next time it rolls around. A final thought is that sometimes it's okay to just be grumpy. Sometimes allowing yourself to be grumpy and not trying to change it is perfectly alright. Be gentle and don't judge yourself, stay kind to those around you, and let the grumpies stay; until you feel yourself ready to shake it off, at which point you might be surprised at how easy they go and you're back to your usual upbeat, positive self :)

xoxo Lauren

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